Senior spotlight: Cayden Dixon class of 2024

Cayden’s beautiful smile is just a small reflection of what an awesome person she is. There is something so genuinely cool about her that I can’t put my finger on but she just feels like a fun person that you want to be around. I loved every minute of working with her. Especially dreaming up what she should wear! I love her sense of style.

Age: 18

School: Smithsburg High School ANNNDDD Hagerstown Community College (That’s right, this girl is getting two degrees at once!)

Alright Cayden, let’s talk about your faves

Color: My favorite color changes weekly but right now it’s light yellow or pink.

Tv show: Gossip Girl

Book: the YOU series or All the Bright Places

Subject in school: Biology or English

Teacher: My organic chemistry teacher, Professor Gildersleeve

Pastime: Hanging out with my friends and going on long drives for no reason.

Hobbies/extracurriculars: I play lacrosse and am really into working out and running.

Top three memories of high school: All the dances, sporting events, and getting to play lacrosse with my little sister my senior year.

Clothing item: This one pair of jeans that are tan with pockets on the front.

Lunch spot : The Atlantic Grill in Urbana. I make everyone go with me at least once.

About the future…

You’re done with high school, what is your next move? I’m going to Penn State, University Park for college. I’ll already have my associates degree in biology from doing middle college so I’ll continue down that path and work to pursue a career in dentistry.

What do you hope to be doing in the next 5 years and where? I hope to be happy, working on becoming a dentist at school, and traveling when I can.

What’s the number one world issue you would solve if you could? Homelessness/poverty because everyone deserves a home and to be comfortable.

What is your dream career (even if it’s just a dream) ? I want to be a dentist and own my own practice.

Just for funsies… 

Cayden - The Movie: what celebrity should play you? Blake Lively just because I like her and the other characters she plays. (Side note I was thinking this before she said it!)

And on that note, if someone wrote a novel about your life what should it be called? Never Still because I’m always doing something or have something going on.

What song will you never forget the lyrics to? Heartbreaker by The Moss

Since you mentioned that song, is it your favorite?  Yes!

Pretend money ain’t no thang- where are you gonna go on vacation right now? Hawaii or Australia

You can only eat one thing for the rest of your life. What’s it gonna be? Grilled Cheese!

If your pet could talk, what do you think they might say about you? My golden retriever/lab mix, Peter, would say I go in and out of the house too much. He hates when I leave.

What is your proudest (maybe not biggest) accomplishment so far: Getting my associates degree while finishing high school at the same time.

Any obscure talents? I can draw and paint pretty well.

What’s a skill you don’t have but want to learn? I wish I could dance but it’s just not in the cards for me. And to that I say- Cayden, go read the book Giraffes Can’t Dance ;)

Don’t miss the picture of Cayden from her freshman year at the bottom of her beautiful senior portrait session!


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