Senior spotlight: Ryleigh Little Class of 2023

Smithsburg High School girl laying in grass with red guitar

Today’s senior spotlight is on Ryleigh Little

Enjoy her answers to the senior questionnaire and a peak at her final galleries. Ryleigh’s sessions are all about trying fun and different styles of shooting to show some personality.


Age: 18

School: Smithsburg High School

Let’s talk about your faves

Color: Blue and black 

Tv show: That 70s show 

Book: Anything by Stephen King 

Subject in school: English 

Teacher: I have three of my most favorite teachers this year and can’t choose between them so… Mr. Getz, Mr. Conaway, Mrs. Bautista

Hobbies/extracurriculars: I love playing the guitar and doing anything with art and music. 

Top three memories of high school: Hershey park school trip, meeting new people, making new friends. 

Clothing item: I love skirts and having an aesthetic/ mood for my outfit for the day. 

About the future…

You’re done with high school, what is your next move? Work hard to graduate college and become a director and producer with music and film. 

What do you hope to be doing in the next 5 years and where? I hope to be traveling and having the time of my life all while having a good career for myself. Being happy with my job and what I have hopefully achieved. 

What’s the number one world issue you would solve if you could? I would solve inflation and hunger. 

Can you cook? Yes, I love cooking and even baking for friends and family. 

What is your dream career (even if it’s just a dream) ?

To be a musician or an actress/ film maker that also inspires other people around the world. 

Just for funsies… 

Ryleigh- the movie: what celebrity should play you? 

If Billie Eilish was an actress I would have her play me in a movie. 

And on that note, if someone wrote a novel about your life what should it be called? The ups and downs of being a teenage girl

What song will you never forget the lyrics to ?Irreplaceable - Beyoncé 

Pretend money ain’t no thang- where are you gonna go on vacation right now? South Korea or Italy.

You can only eat one thing for the rest of your life. What’s it gonna be? Sushi 

If your pet could talk, what do you think they might say about you? My dog Moose would tell me how happy he gets when I come home and see him especially when I get him new toys. 

What is your proudest (maybe not biggest) accomplishment so far: Getting a job and Graduating as well as posting for my car. 

Any obscure talents? Maybe?

What’s a skill you don’t have but want to learn?

I would have loved to persue dance and gymnastics

Show us a picture of you from freshman year- see Ryleigh’s pic at the bottom of her session pics :)


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